Decision Style Profile® collection profile image

Decision Style Profile®

A management assessment tool that leads to the development of improved decision-making skills
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Product Details

The Decision Style Profile® is a decision-making assessment that empowers leaders to make better decisions by enlightening them on how to choose the most effective and appropriate decision-making styles for given situations. Each participant is asked how they would make several real-world business decisions. A personalized report compares the participant's chosen decision-making style to the most appropriate styles, backed by extensive research and a current database of over 20,000 executives and managers. The Decision Style Profile evaluates the appropriateness with which participants include others in the decision-making process, as well as the extent to which participants consider five critical decision factors in their decision-making process.


  • Improves and refines the decision-making skills of executives and managers
  • Equips executives and managers with a research-backed, uniform system of decision making
  • Strengthens awareness of effective outcomes based on the level of inclusion of others in the decision-making process

Administration Type

  • Self

Administration Time

  • 30 Minutes


  • Online


  • Decision Style Profile Individual Report
  • Decision Style Profile Group Report

Decision Style Profile Individual Report

Provides participants with an opportunity to learn about their decision making process. It is a valuable resource for understanding the process of effective decision making and how to overcome the barriers that can hinder this process.

Decision Style Profile Group Report

Useful when working with members of the same team, workgroup or organization. This report provides the opportunity to look for common decision-making trends within the group. The group report follows the same format as the individual report.

What does certification include?
  • Access to the Decision Style Profile
  • An online curriculum that enables you to do your entire certification from the comfort of your home or office
  • The ability to take the assessment yourself and get feedback from an experienced coach
  • Facilitator guide, slide presentation, and other resources that enable you to run your own workshop
  • A free online account where you can use the product with your clients
  • Continuing Education credits from the American Psychological Association