Caregiver Wish List™
A questionnaire that allows parents or caregivers to report on children aged 3 to 19 and their own parenting behavior. A school aged youth and preschool aged children version are both included.
- The 30 minute computerized interviews are simple and quick to complete. The results of the interview are immediately available to the practitioner
- Empowers caregivers because they are given an opportunity to tell their story and feel valued, knowing that they are an important part of the team
- The Coaching Plan details the three wishes selected by the caregiver as well as strengths and growth opportunities for the child and the caregiver
- 3 to 19
Administration Type
- Parent
Administration Time
- 30 Minutes
Qualification Level
- A
- Online
- Providing Direction/Following Up
- Encouraging Good Behavior
- Discouraging Undesirable Behavior
- Monitoring Activities
- Connecting Positively with Youth
- Problem-Solving Orientation
The CWL is completed by the caregiver and practitioner together. Questions are scored on a 5 point response scale and read out-loud to encourage the caregiver to add other contextually relevant information.
After marking all the items, the caregiver is asked to describe, in their own words, their “top three wishes” – the things they would most like to change about their parenting approach. Once the CWL questions are completed, parents often self-identify their parenting strengths and challenges in relation to the unique needs of their child.
The CWL can be re-administered to generate pre-to-post outcomes. The integrated export tool makes it easy to select variables and aggregate data for program evaluation or continuous quality improvement.
Three convenient training options are available for the CAFAS, JIFF, PECFAS and CWL.
1) Complementary online training for FAS Online subscribers
2) Self-training manual
3) In-person training