Emerging Leader Profile™ collection profile image

Emerging Leader Profile™

Provide new or high potential leaders with 360 degree feedback on their leadership skills
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Product Details

This Emerging Leader Profile is the result of an extensive search for an appropriate tool for new or high-potential leaders. Research has led to the development of 60 items composed of 12 leadership skills and traits that influence a new leader’s effectiveness and establish a foundation for personal growth. This 360 Assessment allows for other raters including bosses, peers, direct reports, and others to provide feedback.


  • Enables high potentials to learn how those who are important to their success see their performance
  • Compares self-perceptions to the perceptions of others
  • Identifies leaders' strengths and developmental needs
  • Provides a starting point for further developmental planning

With the Emerging Leader Profile, leaders will:

  • Understand a common model for leadership effectiveness
  • Benchmark their individual leadership performance
  • Establish goals and monitor their efforts at adopting new behaviors
  • Receive verbatim comments from raters through customized question responses
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses in categories identified as important for effective leadership

Administration Type

  • 360

Administration Time

  • 20 minutes


  • Online


  • Emerging Leader Profile 360 Report
  • Emerging Leader Profile Group Report

Emerging Leaders Profile 360 Report

Gathers the perceptions of bosses, peers, direct reports, and others and plays back the aggregate information to leaders who want to improve their effectiveness.

Emerging Leaders Profile Group Report

Combines the feedback from any number of individuals creating a valuable picture of collective strengths and developmental opportunities for the group.

What does certification include?
  • An online curriculum that enables you to do your entire certification from the comfort of your home or office
  • The ability to take the assessment yourself and get feedback from an experienced coach
  • Facilitator guide, slide presentation, and other resources that enable you to run your own workshop
  • A free online account where you can use the product with your clients
  • Continuing Education credits from the American Psychological Association