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Gifted Rating Scales™

Steven Pfeiffer, Ph.D., ABPP, Tania Jarosewich, Ph.D.
Helps identify children for placement in gifted and talented educational programs


Product type
GRS-S School Record Forms - Handscored
$100.00 USD
GRS Manual
$161.00 USD
GRS-P Preschool/Kindergarten Record Forms - Handscored
$100.00 USD
Product Details

The Gifted Rating Scales are norm-referenced rating scales based on current theories of giftedness and federal and state guidelines regarding the definition of gifted and talented students. Pre-school and Kindergarten teachers complete the Pre-School/Kindergarten GRS-P form for children between the ages of 4:0 and 6:11 years . This form of GRS–P contains brief scales covering five domains: intellectual, academic readiness, motivation, creativity and artistic talent. Teachers complete six brief scales on the School-Age GRS–S form to evaluate children between the ages of 6:0 through 13:11 years who are in grades 1 - 8. The six domains include: intellectual, academic, motivation, creativity, leadership and artistic talent.

Administration Time

  • 5-10 minutes

Qualification Level

  • B
  • The GRS validity studies have been conducted to link to leading cognitive and achievement batteries.
  • Both forms of the GRS provide a standardized method for identifying children for gifted and talented programs based on teacher observations.
  • Both forms of the GRS allow for identification of relative strengths and specific areas of giftedness.
  • Both forms of the GRS provide specific behavioral guidelines for identification of giftedness within each domain.
  • Teachers can complete both forms of the GRS easily and quickly.
Key Areas Measured


  • Intellectual
  • Academic readiness
  • Motivation
  • Creativity
  • Artistic talent


  • Antellectual
  • Academic
  • Motivation
  • Creativity
  • Leadership
  • Artistic talent
Reliability and Validity

GRS–P (4:0-6:11) validity studies have been conducted linking it to the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence™—Third Edition (WPPSI™–III) and measures of potential in other domains.

GRS–S (6:0-13:11) validity studies have been conducted linking it to the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children®—Third Edition (WISC®–III), and the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test®—Second Edition (WIAT®–II) and measures in other domains.

What does certification include?