GRS™ 2
Gifted Rating Scales™ Second Edition (GRS™ 2)
The Gifted Rating Scales™ Second Edition (GRS™ 2) is a revision of the well-established Gifted Rating Scales™ (GRS). The GRS 2 incorporates many of the benefits of the original GRS but was carefully designed to offer enhanced functionality and accessibility. New features include:
• An expanded age range (4-18 years).
• Teacher Form updates with item revisions, a reduced number of items per scale, and updated norms.
• A new Parent Form—available in English and Spanish—which gives users additional data points for Cognitive Ability, Creative/Artistic Ability, and Resiliency & Social Competency in the assessment process for gifted identification. The Parent Form enables ratings based on behaviors observed in different contexts, allowing for a more holistic view of students' abilities.
• A new modular administration with the option to select which scales to administer.
• New modular reports with rater response-style indicators.
• Analyses of students’ relative strengths.
- Teacher-Preschool/Kindergarten: 4:0-6:11 (prior to enrollment in Grade 1)
- Teacher-School: 6:0-18:11 (after enrollment in Grade 1)
- Parent: 4:0-18:11
Rater Type
- Teacher-Preschool/Kindergarten
- Teacher-School
- Parent
Administration Time
- Teacher-Preschool/Kindergarten: 5 minutes
- Teacher-School: 5 minutes
- Parent: 2 minutes
Number of Items
- GRS 2 Teacher-Preschool/Kindergarten: 50 items
- GRS 2 Teacher-School: 60 items
- GRS 2 Parent: 21 items
- GRS™ 2 Parent: English, Spanish (North America)
Qualification Level
- B
- Administer and score online (email link, local administration)
- Paper (print paper forms and enter responses via MHS Online Assessment Center+)
Reading Level
- GRS 2 Teacher-P: Grade 10.3
- GRS 2 Teacher-S: Grade 10.5
- GRS 2 Parent: Grade 7.9
Online scoring can generate two types of GRS 2 reports:
- Single-Rater Report—provides one student's scored results from one rater.
- Scored Dataset—provides all students' scores within a single spreadsheet.
The GRS 2 Teacher-Preschool/Kindergarten Form (GRS 2 Teacher-P), GRS 2 Teacher-School Form (GRS 2 Teacher-S), and GRS 2 Parent Form (GRS 2 Parent) showed evidence of reliability through high internal consistency coefficients (e.g., median omega across age groups, raters, and scales within the Normative Samples: GRS 2 Teacher-P = .98, GRS 2 Teacher-S = .98, and GRS 2 Parent = .91); a high degree of test information, providing evidence for the precision of measurement; statistically significant (p < .001), strong to very strong, and positive test-retest correlation coefficients between scores across a 2- to 4-week interval (GRS 2 Teacher-P: corrected r = .66 to .80; GRS 2 Teacher-S: corrected r = .74 to .91, GRS 2 Parent: corrected r = .62 to .74); and statistically significant (p < .001) and strong inter-rater reliability between school-age teacher raters (corrected r = .65 to .76), and between parent raters (corrected r = .71 to .76).
The GRS 2 showed evidence of validity through confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) that provided evidence to support the structure of the GRS 2 scales (final models had strong fit statistics for all forms [CFI and TLI ≥ .923; SRMR ≤ .047; RMSEA ≤ .069] and replicated the structure of the original GRS); meaningful differences between the General Population and the Gifted Samples, such that gifted students yielded higher scores than students from the general population (median Cohen's d = 0.90 across all forms and scales), providing evidence of criterion-related validity; and evidence of convergent validity through strong associations between the Resiliency & Social Competency scale from the GRS 2 Parent and the Social Skills and Resiliency scales from the Behavior Assessment System for Children, Third Edition (BASC-3; Reynolds & Kamphaus, 2015; corrected r = .68 for both scales).
Evidence of fairness was established through the absence of meaningful psychometric differences between demographic groups. There was no evidence of measurement bias due to the gender (maximum ETSSD = |0.07|), race/ethnicity (maximum ETSSD = |0.07|), primary language spoken (maximum ETSSD = |0.27|), parental education level (PEL; maximum ETSSD = |0.04|), household income (maximum ETSSD = |0.06|), or country of residence (maximum ETSSD = |0.13|) of the student being rated.
A total of 2,220 individuals were included in the normative samples. Teachers in the GRS 2 Teacher-P Normative Sample rated a total of 350 preschool students and teachers in the GRS 2 Teacher-S Normative Sample rated a total of 870 school-age students. Parents/guardians in the GRS 2 Parent Normative Sample rated a total of 1,000 children/adolescents.
Email Address
Call Toll-FreeCDN1.800.268.6011US1.800.456.3003
International Phone+1.416.492.2627
Are you new to using MHS tools online, and want to purchase the GRS 2?
- Purchase GRS 2 Uses from the ‘Products’ section on this page.
- Checkout using the email address you want associated with your new MHS Assessment Center+ (MAC+) account.
- Once your purchase is complete, we’ll create your MAC+ account and deposit your online GRS 2 uses. Please note, this process takes 1-2 business days to complete.
- When your account is created you will receive a welcome email from [email protected]. Please double-check your spam folder if you haven't received this email.
All GRS 2 users receive access to a free, digital version of the GRS 2 Manual through their MAC+ account.