LSI-R™:SV collection profile image


Level of Service Inventory-Revised™: Screening Version

D.A. Andrews, Ph.D. , James Bonta, Ph.D.

Ideal to use in situations where it may not be feasible to complete an LSI-R™ or LS/CMI™



Product type
LSI-R: Screening Version Forms - Handscored
$130.00 USD
LSI-R:SV Interview Guides
$70.00 USD
LSI-R:Screening Version Manual
$113.00 USD
LSI-R: Screening Version Guide/Forms - Handscored
$165.00 USD
G.E.A.R.S. LSI-R:SV Uses
$12.50 USD
Product Details

Level of Service Inventory-Revised™: Screening Version LSI-R™:SV is a screening instrument that is ideal to use in situations where it may not be feasible to complete the Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) or Level of Service Inventory/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) assessment for every justice-involved individual. Research conducted with the LSI-R:SV shows that it is predictive of a variety of outcomes that are essential in justice-involved individual management. The LSI-R:SV is able to predict violent recidivism and violations among probation samples while under community supervision, as well as institutional misconduct among justice-involved individuals. Furthermore, results from the LSI-R:SV are able to indicate justice-involved individuals who may require a complete LSI-R or LSI/CMI assessment.


  • 16 and Older

Administration Type

  • Professional
  • Interview

Administration Time

  • 10 to 15 Minutes

Number of Items

  • 8

Qualification Level

  • B


  • Online (Administration & Scoring)
  • Handscored
  • Software (Administration & Scoring)
Key Areas Measured
  • Criminal History
  • Education/Employment
  • Family/Marital
  • Companions
  • Alcohol/Drug Problems
  • Emotional/Personal
  • Attitudes/Orientation

Profile Reports summarize the results of an individual administration, providing scores for all scales.


LSI-R:SV Interview Guide

The LSI-R:SV Interview Guide contains a series of questions that directly link to the areas that need to be assessed to complete the LSI-R:SV QuikScore Form.

LSI-R:SV QuikScore Forms

The LSI-R:SV QuikScore Form is completed by the professional and includes the necessary elements for scoring the instrument. The QuikScore forms contain special aids that make scoring and profiling very quick and efficient, while minimizing potential for key errors.

How To Use

The LSI-R:SV consists of eight items that were selected from the LSI-R (page 3). Results provide a complete summary of dynamic risk areas that may require further assessment and possibly intervention. The LSI-R:SV is available in handscored and software formats. With the handscored format, you use an Interview Guide to complete the interview component and QuikScore forms to record your ratings based on interview and file information. With the software format, you can instantly generate Profile Reports upon completing the assessment.

Reliability and Validity

The LSI-R:SV has sound scientific validity and reliability. The LSI-R:SV reliability studies include evaluation of internal consistency as measured by Cronbach's alpha. The validity of LSI-R:SV has been tested for the following:

  • Face validity
  • Construct/convergent validity
  • Predictive validity
  • Relative validity

To administer the LSI-R:SV training is required for those who do not have the requisite b-level educational qualifications. Training is also recommended for those who need in-depth knowledge of the LSI-R:SV and its use and interpretation. By attending our LSI-R:SV User Training, you will learn necessary skills for interviewing an offender, accurately scoring an LSI-R:SV assessment, as well as enhancing the quality of case management, treatment planning, and service delivery.

Individuals interested in becoming an LS/CMI Trainer or Master Trainer should complete an LSI-R:SV Trainer training session. For further details on becoming an MHS LSI-R:SV User, Trainer, or Master Trainer, please contact us at [email protected].

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