Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test™ Second Edition

The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test™ Second Edition (MSCEIT® 2) is a measure of emotional intelligence (EI) that is based on the ability model of EI. It is designed to provide a clear, actionable understanding of how well an individual recognizes emotional cues, understands their causes and implications, and uses emotions as a source of information to facilitate smooth and effective interpersonal interactions.
Key improvements to the original MSCEIT 2 include:
- This assessment is suitable for individuals 18 years of age and older
Administration Type
- Individual-completed
Administration Time
- 30 Minutes
Qualification Level
- B-level
- Administer and Score Online
Device Type(s)
- Desktop/Laptop
- MSCEIT 2 Individual Report
Reliability: The MSCEIT 2 exhibits strong reliability, both in terms of internal consistency and test-retest reliability. This important result means that the test taker's scores will remain stable over time (as tested over a few weeks and a few months, unless development efforts are used to improve their score) and that items measuring a certain domain all contribute to the same concept, holding together as a unit (e.g., all Perceiving Emotions items are measuring the perception of emotions). Therefore, users of the MSCEIT 2 can be confident that the scores generated by this assessment will be consistent.
Validity: MSCEIT 2 demonstrates strong construct validity, meaning that users can trust that the MSCEIT 2 is in fact measuring the ability to perceive emotions, connect emotions, understand emotions, and manage emotions, as evidenced by subject-matter expert review. Moreover, MSCEIT 2 shows strong predictive validity, as higher scores on the MSCEIT 2 are associated with a considerably lower risk of negative behaviors at work. The MSCEIT 2 also predicted leadership effectiveness above and beyond the influence of a transformational leadership style. The MSCEIT 2 also demonstrated expected strong relationships with other measures of similar concepts (such as the original MSCEIT) and weaker relationships with dissimilar concepts (such as personality traits).
Fairness: The MSCEIT 2 meets or exceeds the fairness requirements outlined in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing by the American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education. Scores were compared for key demographic groups, and only minimal or modest differences were observed, demonstrating the broad applicability of the assessment. Users of the MSCEIT 2 can be confident that the assessment is equivalent in the way that it measures emotional intelligence across gender and racial/ethnic groups, and across the U.S. and Canada.
The MSCEIT 2 norm is composed of 3,000 individuals who completed the assessment between October 2019 and April 2020. The MSCEIT 2 norms represent two regions, including 2,700 individuals from the U.S. and 300 individuals from Canada. The Normative Sample was evenly distributed by gender and across five age ranges, with race/ethnicity, educational level, and region within the country matched to 2022 U.S. and 2021 Canadian census proportions.
The MSCEIT 2 Individual Report consists of a client version and a coach version. The client version of the report sets the stage for a very detailed, personalized interpretation of how the test taker scored in each of the four domains. The coach version of the report is designed to help the test administrator to understand the best way to put the test taker’s results into context.
Get certified and give yourself a unique competitive advantage!
What does certification include?
A blended curriculum where you do part of your certification online and part in class
The ability to take the assessment yourself and get feedback from an experienced coach
A free online account where you can use the product with your clients
Free access to the manual and other resources
A certificate of completion
Where do I get certified?
Speak to a Talent Solutions Consultant or choose from a global network of MHS-approved trainers
- A blended curriculum where you do part of your certification online and part in class
- The ability to take the assessment yourself and get feedback from an experienced coach
- A free online account where you can use the product with your clients
- Free access to the manual and other resources
- A certificate of completion