Adelle E. Forth, Ph.D. , David S. Kosson, Ph.D. , Robert D. Hare, Ph.D.
The Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV) assessment helps identify potential patterns of cheating, fighting, bullying, and other antisocial acts in youths. Early identification of these traits is critical, not only for the near future of these individuals, but for their development into adulthood.
12 to 18
Structured Interview: 90 to 120 Minutes
Collateral Review: 60 Minutes
12 to 18
Structured Interview: 90 to 120 Minutes
Collateral Review: 60 Minutes
PCL:YV Interview Guide
The PCL:YV Interview Guide was developed to assist in the conduction of a semi-structured interview to elicit information needed to make the PCL:YV ratings
PCL:YV QuikScore™ Form
The clinician-completed QuikScore™ form is easy to complete and is easily be transferred to the Scoring Grid.
The PCL:YV is a clinician-rated instrument that uses a structured interview and collateral information to assess psychopathic traits in youth. The Interview Guide outlines questions for the structured interview. The clinician rates items on a scale of 0 to 2 (Yes, No, and Maybe) indicating whether or not the statement is true of the individual. Ratings should be made while reviewing the criteria provided in the PCL:YV Rating Booklet or the PCL:YV Technical Manual.
Reliability and Validity
The Hare PCL:YV has proven through numerous studies to be strong in scientific validity. The studies include the evaluation of the concurrent validity of the Hare PCL:YV with respect to other measures of psychopathy and with respect to Conduct Disorder (CD). Also included is the review of convergent and discriminant validity of the Hare PCL:YV by examining the relationship between Hare PCL:YV Total scores and a variety of constructs that have proven to be related to psychopathy or independent of psychopathy in adult samples. Predictive validity of the Hare PCL:YV was also evaluated, in regard to the domains of recidivism and treatment outcome.
The normative data for the Hare PCL:YV consists of 2,438 youth located in Canada, United Kingdom, and United States. Nineteen different adolescent samples were collected and included offenders that were institutionalized, on probation, in open custody, referred for outpatient evaluation, and youth in the community.
PCL:YV Complete Kit
PCL: YV Technical Manual, Rating Booklet, 25 Forms, and 25 Interview Guides
PCL:YV Forms
PCL-:YV Technical Manual
PCL-:YV Technical Manual
PCL:YV Interview Guides
PCL:YV Interview Guides
PCL-:YV Rating Booklet (reusable hardcover)
PCL-:YV Rating Booklet (reusable hardcover)