YLS/CMI™ 2.0 collection profile image

YLS/CMI™ 2.0

Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory™ 2.0

R.D. Hoge, Ph.D. , D.A. Andrews, Ph.D.
Combines risk assessment and case management in one convenient evidence-based system


Product type
YLS/CMI 2.0 Forms - Handscored
$110.00 USD
YLS/CMI 2.0 Training Set - Handscored
$126.00 USD
YLS/CMI 2.0 Complete Kit - Handscored
$378.00 USD
YLS/CMI 2.0 User's Manual
$115.00 USD
G.E.A.R.S. YLS/CMI 2.0 Uses
$12.75 USD
YLS/CMI 2.0 Interview Guides
$165.00 USD
YLS/CMI 2.0 Case Management Forms - Handscored
$58.00 USD
Product Details

The Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory™ 2.0 (YLS/CMI™ 2.0) is a gender-informed, culturally-informed, strengths-focused risk/needs tool that reliably and accurately classifies and predicts re-offending within male and female juvenile populations.

The YLS/CMI 2.0 includes new features to address the needs of a growing adolescent offender population:

  • Expanded age range—12 to 18 years
  • S. norms by gender and setting
  • Large U.S. sample of 12,798 juveniles
  • Significant minority representation in normative sample
  • Updated current literature review
  • Improved definitions for non-criminogenic factors
  • Guidelines that instruct users to consider gender-specific factors, as well as the importance of minor risk/need factors and non-criminogenic needs
  • Assessment items that address gender-informed responsivity factors, such as pregnancy/motherhood issues and physical/sexual victimization issues
  • Assessment items that address culturally-informed responsivity factors

In addition, the YLS/CMI 2.0 provides an opportunity for users to evaluate positive justice-involved individual attributes so that justice-involved individual strengths may be highlighted and built upon in service delivery.


  • 12 to 18

Administration Type

  • Professional
  • Interview

Administration Time

  • 30 to 40 Minutes

Number of Items

  • Section 1: 42
  • Section 2-7: varies

Qualification Level

  • B


  • Online
  • Handscored

Profile Reports summarize the results of an individual administration, providing scores for all scales.

Comparative Reports show progress over time, comparing up to four assessments for the same justice-involved individual. They are free with the purchase of Profile Reports.

Follow-Up Reports are used to document major events for the justice-involved individual such as reoffending or successful completion of treatment/supervision.

Reliability and Validity

The YLS/CMI 2.0 demonstrates strong reliability and validity, including accurate prediction of reoffending.

Normative Data

The normative sample for the YLS/CMI 2.0 consists of over 12,798 justice-involved youth.

To administer the YLS/CMI training is required for those who do not have the requisite b-level educational qualifications. Training is also recommended for those who need in-depth knowledge of the YLS/CMI and its use and interpretation. By attending our YLS/CMI User Training, you will learn necessary skills for interviewing a justice-involved youth, accurately scoring an YLS/CMI assessment, as well as enhancing the quality of case management, treatment planning, and service delivery.

Individuals interested in becoming a YLS/CMI Trainer or Master Trainer should complete a YLS/CMI Trainer training session. For further details on becoming an MHS YLS/CMI User, Trainer, or Master Trainer, please contact MHS’ Customer Service Team.

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