Hardiness Resilience Gauge® (HRG™)

The Hardiness Resilience Gauge® (HRG™) is grounded in over 30 years of research and development and provides valuable insight into an individual's level of hardiness and their ability to cope with stressful and unexpected situations. As with all of MHS' assessments, the HRG is a scientifically rigorous tool that demonstrates exceptional reliability and validity.
The HRG focuses on the three C's – Control, Commitment, and Challenge. The three C's of Hardiness represent the key qualities that people high in hardiness possess. They believe they have control over the events they experience. They commit to seeing the world as meaningful and interesting, and they view challenges and change as growth opportunities.
Administration Type
- Self
Administration Time
- 10 Minutes
Number of Items
- 28
- English
- Chinese
- Online
- U.S. General Population

The HRG individual report is designed for use in a wide variety of coaching and development situations. It focuses on the impact of a person's hardiness across multiple domains in their life.
The HRG individual report contains:
- An introduction to hardiness and the HRG model
- An overview and interpretation of a user's total hardiness score
- A detailed personalized interpretation for each of the 3 subscales and strategies for developing each component of hardiness
- Information on the balance between a user's subscale scores and interpretations of the potential impact of imbalances
- An Action Plan Page
- A leadership and hardiness page, focused on strategies leaders can use to promote hardiness in their team members (optional).
- Access to the Hardiness Resilience Gauge
- An online curriculum that enables you to do your entire certification from the comfort of your home or office
- The ability to take the assessment yourself and get feedback from an experienced coach
- Facilitator guide, slide presentation, and other resources that enable you to run your own workshop
- Access to the Hardiness Resilience Gauge
- A free online account where you can use the product with your clients