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EQ 360®

Emotional Quotient 360™

Generate a comprehensive 360 degree view of emotional intelligence
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Product Details

The Emotional Quotient 360™ (EQ 360®) is an emotional intelligence assessment that allows leaders to receive feedback from peers, managers, direct reports, and others on how they leverage their emotional intelligence. It offers clear alignment with the EQ-i 2.0: automated set-up, condensed report output, enhanced report appearance, and detailed interpretation.

Administration Type

  • 360 Assessment

Administration Time

  • 20 to 30 minutes per assessment


  • English (UK)
  • Danish
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Swedish
  • French


  • Online (Administration & Scoring)


  • General Population - North America
  • Professional - North America
  • UK and Ireland
  • Australia
  • South Africa
  • Sweden


  • Leadership EQ 360 Report
  • Workplace EQ 360 Report
  • Save time with easy administration and support. Tools such as the Profile Gap Analysis, Rater Response Summary, and a Coach's Debrief Guide will save valuable interpretation time.
  • Gain insight with rich interpretation and developmental strategies, including sections on balancing emotional intelligence, a well-being indicator, and impact-at-work insights.
  • Make it your own with customized reports, templates, and optional features such as personalizing reports with your or your client's logo and adding your own custom questions.

Leadership EQ 360 Report

This multi-rater report also helps you to view your client's scores through a leadership lens, as well as help you understand how others see your client as a leader.

Key Features:

  • Identifies blind spots, allied strengths, and developmental opportunities
  • Easily highlight where raters agreed with the individual's assessment and where they did not
  • Easy administration and support
  • Completely aligned with the EQ-i 2.0 self-assessment providing a seamless user experience
  • Save time and effort with a one-page summary of results
  • Each summary is interpreted from two different perspectives

Workplace EQ 360 Report

This report is used to gain insight into an individual's EQ 360 results, with in-depth analysis specific to a workplace context, enabling career and organizational development.

Key Features:

  • Identifies blind spots, allied strengths, and developmental opportunities
  • Easily highlight where raters agreed with the individual's assessment and where they did not
  • Easy administration and support
  • Completely aligned with the EQ-i 2.0 self-assessment providing a seamless user experience
  • Save time and effort with a one-page summary of results
  • Each summary is interpreted from two different perspectives
Normative Data

The EQ 360 general population norms (N=3,200) are closely representative of adults residing in the U.S. and Canada. North American professional normative sample (N=2,400). Other EQ 360 normative samples are available for UK and Ireland, Australia, South Africa and Sweden.

What does certification include?
  • A blended curriculum where you do part of your certification online and part in class
  • The ability to take the assessment yourself and get feedback from an experienced coach
  • A free online account where you can use the product with your clients
  • Free tokens to get you started using the assessment after certification
  • Free access to the online User’s Handbook and other resources
  • A certificate of completion
  • Continuing Education credits from the International Coach’s Federation (EQ-i 2.0/EQ 360 and Pearman) and the American Psychological Association
Contact Us
  • Call Toll-Free
  • International Phone

If you are visiting our site from outside of North America, please order directly from one of our international partners in your area. If no partner is listed for your area, please contact MHS Customer Service at [email protected].

Once your account is created you may Purchase, administer, score and generate reports quickly and easily on the Talent Assessment Portal.