Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory™: Screening Research Version
The Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory™: Screening Research Version (YLS/CMI™:SRV) is designed to provide an initial screening of risk and need levels in 12-18 year olds for purposes of determining the level and nature of interventions required by the youth. This eight item assessment is a screening version of the full length Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory™ 2.0 (YLS/CMI™ 2.0), which is a gender and cultural-informed, strength-focused risk/needs tool that reliably and accurately classifies and predicts re-offending within male/female juvenile populations. The YLS/CMI: SRV is successfully used in conjunction with the YLS/CMI 2.0 by many statewide organizations to assess youth for their risk to reoffend.
- 12 to 18
Administration Type
- Professional
Administration Time
- 10 to 15 Minutes; interview varies
Number of Items
- 8
Qualification Level
- B
- Online
- History of conduct disorders
- Current school or employment problems
- Antisocial friends
- Alcohol/Drug problems
- Leisure/Recreation
- Personality/Behavior
- Family circumstances/Parenting
- Attitudes/Orientation
Profile Reports summarize the results of an individual administration, providing scores for all scales.
The YLS/CMI:SRV Form is completed by the professional and consists of eight items. These eight items are designed to tap into risk and need factors that might place the youth at greater risk to reoffend.
Reliability and validity studies are available in YLS/CMI:SRV User’s Manual.
To administer the YLS/CMI:SRV training is required for those who do not have the requisite b-level educational qualifications. Training is also recommended for those who need in-depth knowledge of the YLS/CMI:SRV and its use and interpretation. By attending our YLS/CMI 2.0 User Training, you will learn necessary skills for interviewing a justice-involved youth, accurately scoring an YLS/CMI:SRV assessment, as well as enhancing the quality of case management, treatment planning, and service delivery. Individuals interested in becoming a YLS/CMI:SRV Trainer or Master Trainer should complete a YLS/CMI 2.0 Trainer training session.
Learn about our YLS/CMI On-Demand Trainings which will also train you in the YLS/CMI:SRV.